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Single and Childless at 38

By: Alison Seponara, MS, LPC

Yep. I am single and childless at 38 years old. Not exactly where I thought my life would be at this age, but I am learning to embrace it. I have found that I was perfectly fine emotionally up until the age of 35. Something happens at 35 that no one tells you about. Most of the pressure starts because as a woman at 35 years old, you hear about how having a child becomes SO MUCH HARDER and there are SO MANY more risks involved. As a woman in 2019, I feel so fortunate that there are so many fertility options for us as we age. I took a leaptwo years ago and froze my eggs (which I understand isn’t a reality for many due to the financial expense), butif you are a woman 35+ and you really want a family one day, this can be an incredible option that can leave you less worried about that biological clock.


While it may be easier to have children at an older age these days, the unnecessary pressure from family, friends, and society isn’t very encouraging to women over 35. This pressure certainly doesn’t help women tomove faster towards marriage and having a family. And if you’re a woman who feels like she was pressured into this type of lifestyle, then I hope you’re feeling fulfilled...because when women succumb to this type of pressure it’s probably because they have decided to settle. Many times this type of woman settles for the life that friends, family, and society has painted for her and not the life that she may have chosen for herself instead. Well I am 38, single, childless, and while still learning my way, I am so grateful for the life that I lead. And I refuse to settle.


There are a few reasons why a woman is still single or childless by 40. One, maybe she doesn’t want children...and THAT IS OK! Two, maybe she has a vision about her career that includes spending most of hertime making ONLY that a priority. Three, maybe it just hasn’t happened yet. There are probably hundreds ofother reasons, but this has been my experience so far. Not only with my own personal journey, but also for my other 35+ single and childless friends.

No matter what the reason, if you practice loving your life and yourself will always findfulfillment and love. Obviously, a career is important to many and there can be times when we go full force into our career for years because we feel this will be fulfilling. Or we have past relationships that leave us feeling hopeless. But as time passes, life goes by faster and faster. You start seeing your friends have children. You start seeing your parents age. You begin to realize that you don’t only want a family because “that is what you’re supposed to do.” You realize that true really what creates fulfillment.


Now don’t get me wrong, family does not always have to mean marriage and children. If you are a woman whodoes not see marriage or children in her future, that is 100% OK! But my suggestion is to find family and connection in community. Family does not have to mean your own blood. Family can mean your best friends, your church community, your yoga studio, your support group. Family can mean so much more than just a husband and children, but you have to find connection with others. In the words of Joe Straynge, “Humanconnection is the most vital aspect of our existence, without the sweet touch of another being we are lonely starsin an empty space waiting to shine gloriously.”


Alison Seponara, MS, LPC is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice located in Lafayette Hill, PA. Alison specializes in holistic and mindfulness work with women and children who struggle with anxiety related to a life transition including divorce, motherhood, death of a loved one, relationship struggles, chronic illness, career change, and more. Alison also works closely with children and families with special needs including those who suffer from anxiety, ADHD, & autism. Alison also helps other mental health clinicians build their social media presence by helping to create an effective and compelling brand. Alison helps therapists and counselors in private practice utilize the social media platform to help increase their client base while remaining an authentic and ethical clinician. For a free consultation, you can contact Alison Seponara, MS, LPC at (610) 952-4169 or You can also find more information at

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