Single Is the New Black:
Don't Wear White 'Til It's Right
You're still single and you've heard it all:
"You're too picky!"
"Just go online!"
"You're not trying hard enough!"
And frankly, you're tired of it.
we all are.

Single is the New Black is celebrated in the UK!

I talk about Single is the New Black on Chicago TV!

Now available in
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In a convincing and spirited manner, Dr. Karin encourages and inspires readers to:
Be happy, hopeful, and positive because the happier you are when single, the happier you'll be when married!
Stay strong amidst prevailing "single shaming" messages.
Resist the "you need to change to snag a man" protocol of typical self-help fare.
Remain true to yourself and never settle for anything less than an extraordinary relationship!
Dr. Karin shares lessons learned from her 27 years on the dating scene—including calling off an engagement to Mr. Wrong before finally marrying Mr. Right at 42!