Mediocre can be comfortable.
And abandoning comfortable in hopes of spectacular may seem like too great a risk.
So we stay locked in mediocrity.
Recently I spoke with Ané Auret on her podcast, “Ready for Love,” about breaking off my first engagement two months before the wedding.
She asked me if I’d gotten comfortable—if that’s what kept me in my engagement for so long. And if so, how did I break out of it?
For me, it ended up being a matter of choice—which scenario could I live with for the rest of my life?
1. Marry a good guy and always wonder, “What if?”
2. Leave a good guy and take the risk of remaining single forever.
Once I realized I couldn’t live my life wondering, “What if?” the choice was made.
And just like that, I kicked myself out of my own comfort zone!
For more on this decision making process, check out my conversation with @anedatingcoach on her podcast.