When you spend 27 years on the dating scene—like I did—you pretty much see it all. Yeah, that’s right. I went on my first date at 15 and got married at 42.
So when it comes to breaking up and making up—I’ve been there, felt that.
Getting my heart kicked around for 27 years was no picnic. But all those experiences in “the trenches” come in handy now that I write about such things. It’s given me an informed perspective on the challenges of dating in the new millennium.
I get it.
I get that there’s no “secret sauce” for finding The One. I get that two great people don’t always make a great couple. I get that for some of us, love doesn’t come easy—and there’s no decent explanation as to why.
Sometimes, it helps to know that someone really gets it—because they’ve been there, felt that.